B2B data that dominates

Access a reliable B2B living data network with unrivaled breadth and depth of data — powered by the highest standard of data practices from collection to verification.

4.8/5 based on 7,263 reviews | GDPR Compliant

Expand your market reach with data from Apollo

Lead data is our bread and butter. We consistently expand and refine our living data network so you can fuel your go-to-market efforts with accessible, trustworthy B2B data.

Largest living data network

The way we consistently grow our database through our 2 million data contributor network and engagement tools is unique and unparalleled in the industry.

Superior verification

Our multi-step verification processes check emails and direct phone numbers in real-time, resulting in a 98% email accuracy rate and less than 1% invalid direct phone numbers.

Accurate and rich data

Beyond the typical firmographic and demographic data, you can dig deep on leads with 65+ filters to gain key insights like intent data, employee trends, and more.


The largest global living data network at your fingertips

Reach your entire target market with the largest B2B database.


Actionable lead intelligence in one view

No more time wasted on doing manual research. Access 65+ data points on leads.


Unlock accurate, verified data that deliver results

Our verification processes are constantly refined to improve our accuracy rate.

7-step email verification that predicts bounces and clean

We handle catch-all domains, do real-time verification, predict email bounces, and automatically clean emails - delivering a 98% email accuracy rate.

Real-time direct dial and mobile number verification

When you request a contact number, we run real-time verification on the number through a series of logic to validate the accuracy and serve clean data.

Refreshed in real-time with accuracy guaranteed

We update our data in real-time when we capture a data signal like new job change, email, or direct phone number. We also run a monthly refresh of our entire database.


email accuracy rate


emails verified monthly


contacts refreshed monthly


The data collection that powers our living data network

We collect a large dataset in four main ways and put privacy compliance at the forefront of everything we do.

Data contributor network

Apollo has a strong database thanks to our large network of over 2 million data contributors. We can run verification checks against connected inboxes, CRMs and csv uploads.

Engagement suite

We have powerful outreach tools like sequences where we can track email replies and bounces to collect and verify valid emails against invalid ones.

Public data crawling

We have proprietary algorithms that regularly crawl the web at scale, parse millions of public-facing websites, and build a web-wide index of people and company data.

Third-party data providers

We partner with carefully vetted third-party data providers and process over 270 million records monthly from them to complement with additional high-quality verified data.


data contributors


new contacts added monthly


records scraped monthly


A secure and privacy-first platform

Using the highest security standards, we take your privacy seriously.

ISO 27001 and SOC 2 certified

Certified by leading third-party cybersecurity auditors.

GDPR compliant

We process data based on legitimate interest and follow best-in-class data practices as a processor and controller. Learn more about our GDPR here.

Privacy & safety features

Custom control to enable or disable privacy-impacting features based on your needs.

We benchmarked ZoomInfo versus Apollo, Clearbit, Lusha, and Seamless, and ultimately Apollo won on all fronts, especially in enrichment. Higher quality than ZoomInfo, greater breadth than Clearbit.

Sylvain Giuliani

Head of Growth & Operations

Frequently asked questions

We collect and verify data against multiple data sources to identify the best source of truth. We collect data through our network of 2 million data contributors, email engagement tools, public data crawling, and vetted third-party data providers. The combination of our multiple data sources and proprietary data verification methods allows us to provide the best-in-class data coverage and quality.

We update our data in real-time whenever we capture a data signal like new job change, email, or direct phone number. In addition, we also run a monthly refresh of our entire database. For emails, we have a 7-step email verification logic that runs checks against our large dataset, we can deliver a 98% email accuracy rate. We handle catch-all domains, do real-time verification, predict email bounces, and automatically clean emails. For direct phone numbers, we run real-time verification on the number when it’s being requested through a series of logic to validate the accuracy.

Lead data is our bread and butter. We consistently expand and refine our database to offer you the most accessible, trustworthy B2B data. We collect and verify data against multiple data sources to identify the best source of truth. We collect data through our network of 2 million data contributors, email engagement tools, public data crawling, and vetted third-party data providers. Compared to other B2B databases in the market, Apollo offers over 65+ data attribute filters so you can find and reach your entire target market.

Sign up for a free account and run a quick search by region on the Apollo database. You can set the search criteria for your target market and see how many contacts and companies we can provide within your ICP and total addressable market.

Crush your sales number with Apollo

Free to get started, easy to add your whole sales team, commit to monthly or annual plans. We make it easy to get started.